45 Mind-Bending Books That Gave My Perspective a Makeover!
The Reading List That’s Transforming Lives

The '45 Series': Embracing Life's Wisdom
Imagine this: A young, six-year-old me, proudly sounding out words like a pint-sized town crier. "Look, Ma! I can read!" Cue the thunderous… silence. Tough crowd, eh? But that didn't dampen my spirits. The joy of discovery in each word and page was my reward.
A Bookworm's Journey: From Webster to Wisdom
My journey of self-discovery began when I learned to read at age six. When I reached adolescence, despite the lack of applause, I persisted, creating my world and navigating my reading from the hardbound Merriam-Webster.
English wasn’t my first language at home, not even my second, so I had to double my efforts in learning it. I challenged myself by reading English fiction, meticulously listing unfamiliar words from "stare" to "dissonance." This long list became my study guide. I would look up each word in the Merriam-Webster dictionary, and if confusion still lingered, I'd consult the Filipino-English dictionary. Later, I'd incorporate these unfamiliar words into my stories, starting with sentences and then paragraphs. Now, I'm writing…
The Quest for Self-Discovery: Diving into the Rabbit Hole
Now that I am more knowledgeable, well-read, and not limited by language, my interest has grown in getting to know myself better. But as you keep finding the answers and reasons for your existence, the more questions you have, the more determined you become to get the answers, and then the more questions… it's endless until perhaps I'll become another Siddhartha Gautama.
Welcome to the Cozy Chaos: Life in the Rabbit Hole
Are you, like me, residing in the rabbit hole — the most cramped kind of comfortably uncomfortable living? If you're a work in progress and often wonder about the purpose of life and what lies beyond the sky, then this list of 45 book suggestions is for you to start your journey of self-discovery.
From Fearful to Fearless: My Reading Revolution
Oh, how the tables have turned! Imagine a wide-eyed, slightly terrified girl, desperately flipping through pages, hoping to find the secret manual to life. Yep, that was me. I was once that fearful and clueless juvenile, turning to books like they were my personal life coaches, soaking up wisdom from teachers who'd walked this earth long before I took my first step. But these books didn't just offer wisdom; they empowered me to take charge of my life.
The Information Buffet: Navigating the Digital Age
Fast forward to today's world, where information isn't just available — it's an all-you-can-eat buffet, served up 24/7 on the silver platter on the internet. And me? Well, I've become the antithesis of that timid bookworm.
Then: The Knowledge Vacuum
When I was younger, I'd devour every book that so much as winked at me from a shelf. If a friend whispered, "Hey, you should read this," I'd be halfway through the book before they finished their sentence. I was a knowledge vacuum, sucking up information indiscriminately, hoping that somewhere in that literary feast, I'd find the answers to life's big questions.
Now: The Information Sommelier
But now? Oh, how things have changed. I've become a connoisseur of knowledge, a sommelier of information. I don't just read — I curate. I choose the information I want to fill my brain with the same care a chef selects ingredients for a Michelin-star meal. It's not about the quantity; it's about the quality. And this discernment has made all the difference in my journey.
The Quest for Self-Discovery
My focus has shifted. Now, I gravitate towards books, articles, and blogs that promise to peel back the layers of my psyche. I'm on a mission to know myself more deeply and understand the intricate tapestry of my thoughts and emotions. And constantly, always, I'm circling back to that big, caffeine-loaded question that keeps me up at night: Why are we here?
From Open Access to VIP: My Reading Journey
It's like I've traded in my all-access pass to the library for a VIP ticket to the most exclusive book club in town — the one about self-discovery and life's greatest mysteries.
Celebrating Growth: 45 Candles, 45 Books
So, as I blow out 45 candles on my birthday cake, I'm not just celebrating another year. I'm celebrating this journey from a fearful novice to a discerning seeker. I'm toasting to the wisdom I've gathered, the questions I've learned to ask, and the books that have been my faithful companions.
My Gift to You: A Curated Literary Journey
And now, my dear reader, I present this carefully selected collection of 45 books. Consider it my birthday present to you—a compilation of the knowledge and insights I have gathered throughout my life. These books are not just ordinary; they represent the best that has challenged, influenced, and enhanced my understanding of myself and our extraordinary world.
Ready, Set, Read!
So, are you ready to dive in? To explore the pages that have turned a clueless girl into a curious woman? This literary journey is about to begin; trust me, it will be a ride!
Self-Discovery and Personal Growth
- The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey
Buckle up, friends! This book is like a personal life coach that fits into your back pocket. It'll have you "synergizing" your way to success before you can say "win-win situation."
“Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response.”
2. You Are a Badass by Jen Sincero
Picture having a straight-talking best friend giving you the pep talk of your life. That's this book in a nutshell. It'll kick your self-doubt to the curb faster than you can say "mirror affirmations."
3. The Power of Purpose by Richard J. Leider
Ever feel you're just drifting through life? This book is your compass. It's like having a heart-to-heart with your wisest friend, guiding you to discover your true north.
“The purpose of life is to live a life of purpose.”
4. The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
Get ready for a journey, my friends! This isn't just a book; it's a spiritual road trip. Think "Eat, Pray, Love" meets "The Wizard of Oz," with a sprinkle of mysticism.
“When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.”
5. The Gifts of Imperfection by Brené Brown
Consider this your official permission slip to be gloriously, unapologetically you. Brown's words wrap around you like a warm hug, teaching you to rock your imperfections like they're going out of style.
Habits and Productivity
6. Atomic Habits by James Clear
Are you stuck in a rut? This book is like WD-40 for your routines. It'll have you ditching bad habits and forming good ones faster than you can say, "1% better every day."
“You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems.”
7. The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg
Ever wonder why you can't quit hitting that snooze button? This book is like a microscope for your daily routines. It'll help you understand and change your habits quicker than you can say, "cue, routine, reward."
8. The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy
Small actions, significant results — that's the game's name here. This book shows how tiny, consistent steps can snowball into massive change — like watching a snowball become an avalanche of awesomeness.
9. Essentialism by Greg McKeown
In a world screaming "Do more!" this book dares to whisper, "Do less, but better." It's like Marie Kondo for your entire life — only keep what sparks joy and productivity!
“Remember that if you don’t prioritize your life, someone else will.”
Mindset and Psychology
10. Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol S. Dweck
If your mind were a garden, this book would be Miracle-Gro. It's all about cultivating a growth mindset that'll have you blooming in no time.
11. Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman
Ever decide and think, "Why on earth did I do that?" This book is like a user manual for your brain, explaining all its quirks and features. Prepare to have your mind blown!
12. Grit by Angela Duckworth
Think of this as P90X for your perseverance. It'll develop your mental toughness faster than you can say "I can't" (which you won't be speaking anymore, by the way).
13. The Ego is the Enemy by Ryan Holiday
Brace yourself for a cold shower for your ego. This book will tell you how your self-importance might be tripping you up. It's humbling and eye-opening, and it might just change your life.
14. Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking by Susan Cain
I am calling all my fellow introverts! This book is like coming home after a long day pretending to be extroverted. It celebrates the quiet ones, proving that water still runs deep. I don't live with labels, but this one book speaks to me like I am that!
Emotional Intelligence and Happiness
15. Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman
Think you're smart? This book might make you think twice. It's all about developing your emotional smarts, which is as important as knowing your multiplication tables.
16. The Happiness Advantage by Shawn Achor
This book flips the script on success and happiness. It's not success that brings joy; it's the other way around. Mind. Blown.
17. Stumbling on Happiness by Daniel Gilbert
Buckle up for a hilarious tour through the funhouse mirror of human happiness. It's funny, insightful, and might change your thoughts about happiness.
18. Tao te Ching by Lao Tzu
The ancient Chinese text is a whisper of wisdom that has stood the test of time, providing a gentle guide to living in harmony with the universe. Lao Tzu's words embody paradox and simplicity, urging strength in softness and knowledge in not knowing. It's a reminder that true power comes from going with the flow, not fighting against it. Whether you're a spiritual seeker or just seeking peace, this little book offers profound insights that might change how you see the world.
“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”
19. Emotional Agility by Susan David
Think of this as emotional yoga. It teaches you to be flexible with your feelings, helping you bend without breaking when life throws curveballs.
Mindfulness and Spirituality
20. The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle
This book hit me like a Zen stick to the head. It's a wake-up call to stop living in the past or future and embrace the present moment. It's time to get your "now" on! I listened to an audiobook on the CD before I scoured bookstores in Manila to get this copy.
21. The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz
This book is like a cheat code for life. It contains four simple agreements that will revolutionize your interactions with yourself and others. It's ancient Toltec wisdom for our modern, fast-paced world.
22. Mindfulness in Plain English by Bhante Gunaratana
Lost in the sometimes confusing world of mindfulness? This book is your GPS. It'll guide you through with a saint's patience and a mountain stream's clarity.
23. The Untethered Soul by Michael A. Singer
Ready to explore the last frontier? I'm talking about your inner space, folks. This book is like a key to unlocking your inner self. Prepare for some serious soul-searching!
Creativity and Artistry
24. Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert
Gilbert's take on creativity is like a breath of fresh air in a stuffy room. It's about embracing your inner artist, even if the last thing you drew was a third-grade stick figure.
25. The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron
This book is like yoga for your creativity. It'll stretch your imagination and flex your creative muscles in ways you never thought possible. It's time to get artistically limber!
26. The War of Art by Steven Pressfield
Consider this boot camp for your creative spirit. It'll kick your procrastination to the curb and have you conquering your inner resistance faster than you can say, "Writer's block, who?"
Motivation and Success
27. Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell
Ever wonder why some people are wildly successful? Gladwell breaks it down more entertainingly than your favorite Netflix series. Get ready for some profound "aha!" moments.
28. Awaken the Giant Within by Tony Robbins
Reading this is like having Tony Robbins as your cheerleader. You'll be fired up and ready to take on the world before you finish your morning coffee.
29. The Motivation Manifesto by Brendon Burchard
Are you feeling a bit "meh" lately? This book is like plugging into a power source. It'll energize you and prepare you to conquer your goals faster than you can say, "I'm unstoppable!"
30. The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck by Mark Manson
Don't let the title fool you — this book isn't about being apathetic. It's about choosing what truly matters and letting go of the rest. It's like Marie Kondo for your mind!
Philosophy and Life Wisdom
31. Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor E. Frankl
Frankl's experiences in Nazi concentration camps might sound heavy, but trust me, this book will lift your spirits and give you a new perspective on finding purpose in life.
“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms — to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.”
32. The Road Less Traveled by M. Scott Peck
This classic is like a road map for life's journey. It might only sometimes show the easiest path, but it will be the most rewarding. Time to lace up your hiking boots!
33. Your Erroneous Zones by Wayne Dyer
It's like having a no-nonsense therapist in your pocket. Dyer cuts through the fluff and gets to the heart of self-defeating behaviors. Get ready to bid farewell to those pesky negative thought patterns!
This book turned off my guilt button permanently.
34. The Obstacle Is the Way by Ryan Holiday
This book is like a masterclass in turning lemons into lemonade. It'll have you seeing obstacles as opportunities faster than you can say, "Stoicism rocks!"
35. The Power of Meaning by Emily Esfahani Smith
In a world obsessed with happiness, this book dares to ask, "What if the secret to a good life is not how happy you are, but how meaningful your life is?" Prepare for some deep thoughts!
“The search for meaning is not about living the ‘good life’; it is about living a life that matters.”
Personal Development for Specific Life Areas
36. Designing Your Life by Bill Burnett and Dave Evans
Have you ever wished life came with an instruction manual? Well, this is close. It's like having two Stanford professors as your personal life architects.
37. Radical Acceptance by Tara Brach
This book is like a warm hug for your soul. It teaches you to accept yourself, flaws and all, with the gentleness of a loving parent. It's time for some severe self-love!
38. Flow by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
Don't let the unpronounceable name fool you. This book is about getting in the zone and finding joy in what you do. It's like discovering the cheat code of happiness in your daily activities.
39. Daring Greatly by Brené Brown
Brown's words are like a courage potion. This book taught me that being brave isn't about being fearless; it's about being afraid and doing it, anyway. It's time to embrace that vulnerability!
“Vulnerability is not winning or losing; it’s having the courage to show up and be seen when we have no control over the outcome.”
40. The Happiness of Pursuit by Chris Guillebeau
This isn't just a book; it's an adventure. It'll make you itching to chase your dreams and find meaning. Warning: may cause sudden urges to embark on epic quests!
Neuroscience and Brain Training
41. The Brain That Changes Itself by Norman Doidge
Hold on to your neurons, folks! This book is like a magical mystery tour through the world of neuroplasticity. It'll have you believing in the power of your brain to change and adapt faster than you can say "synaptic pruning."
42. Train Your Mind, Change Your Brain by Sharon Begley
Do you believe that your brain is unchangeable? Think again! This book is like a personal trainer for your gray matter. It shows how meditation and mindfulness can sculpt your brain like mental Play-Doh. It's time to flex those mental muscles!
43. Neurosculpting by Lisa Wimberger
Would you ever rewire your brain like you're updating your smartphone? Well, this book comes close! It's a user-friendly guide to reshaping your brain for resilience and well-being. Get ready to become the architect of your gray matter!
44. The Upward Spiral by Alex Korb
Are you feeling down? This book is like a ladder out of the pit of despair. It uses neuroscience to explain depression and anxiety and offers practical tips for climbing your way to better mental health. It's time to spiral upwards, my friends!
45. Rewire by Richard O'Connor
Think of this as a GPS for navigating the twisty roads of your brain. It'll help you understand why you do what you do and, more importantly, how to change those stubborn habits. Get ready to recalculate your mental route!
Takeaway: My 45-Book Adventure
As we wrap up this literary journey through 45 mind-bending books, I confess: I'm human, just like you. Of these 45 gems, I've devoured most cover-to-cover, savoring every word. Some, I've skimmed like a stone across a lake, catching the ripples of wisdom. I have bookmarked a few books, waiting for the perfect moment to reveal their secrets. And yes, a handful are still on my 'Booket List,' giving me the eye from my to-read pile, their table of contents whispering promises of enlightenment.
Why include books I still need to read thoroughly, you ask? Because sometimes, the promise of wisdom is just as significant as the wisdom itself. These books have earned their spots on this list because even at a glance, they've sparked something in me — a new thought, a challenging idea, a different perspective.
These aren't just any books. They're the cream of the crop that have shaken me, shaped me, and helped me understand myself and this wild, wonderful world we live in — whether I've read them cover to cover or am still savoring the anticipation of diving in.
Now, for those who want to turbocharge your reading and make the most of every book that crosses your path, I've got a treat for you next week: 45 tips to help you read faster and grasp content like a pro, even when you're just skimming! For now, you can have a few printable pages of reading logs.